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The Research was published in several Journals:

PubMed article about Dorn Therapy and Tinnitus

Dorntherapy: its effect on electroencephalographic activity in tinnitus patients with craniocervical dysfunction.

Int Tinnitus J. 2003;9(2):138-42.

PMID: 15106291 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Brill K, Weiler EW.

NeuroNet GmbH, St. Annenstrasse 10, 66606 St. Wendel, Germany.

Dorntherapy was developed in the 1980s by Dieter Dorn, a nonmedical person, to cure his and his family members vertebral problems. This technique achieves correction of dysfunctions of the vertebrae and joints simply by using natural movements of arms and legs or by applying gentle pressure (thumb) to the spinous process. Various observations suggest that craniocervical dysfunction can lead to tinnitus, thus causing changes in the electroencephalographic patterns. This study demonstrates that the successful application of Dorntherapy induced prominent changes of the electroencephalographic activity. Data analysis revealed a significant increase in the power of the alpha (8-13 Hz) and the alpha2 (9-11 Hz). Besides electrophysiological effects, changes in the quality of tinnitus and in the intensity of the tinnitus were noted. These results suggest that Dorntherapy must be an integral part of any tinnitus therapy.

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The Effects of the Dorn Therapy seen on a Computer assisted EEG!

How important our Spine actually is can be seen at misaligned vertebrae causing not only Back Pain or Sciatica but also Migraines, Tooth aches and Tinnitus and other inner conditions like allergies, Immune deficiency or Cardio-Vascular problems.

With the Help of the computer assisted EEG could be proved that the Dorn Therapy indicated significant changes in the brain waves.

The division of the EEG in the classical frequencies 2-4hz (delta waves), 4-7hz (theta waves), 8-13hz (alpha waves = relaxation waves), 14-21hz (beta waves) is one of the possibilities to visualize the Information within the brain using the electrical activity.

For example at a Tinnitus patient a significant change in the wave picture in the alpha level (p>=0.05) was found after a successful Dorn Therapy, the so-called alpha peak was higher.

This change in the alpha level produced a decrease in the Tinnitus Intensity.

This was done on ten different Tinnitus patients and all indicated that they can relax more easily after the Therapy and the Ear sounds appear less disturbing.

(Done by Dr. Elmar Weiler and Dr. Klaus Brill at the Institute for Brain Research in St. Wendel, Germany)

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Research and Clinical Trials with the Dorn Method

There is very few serious Research done on The Dorn Method so far, however the fast spread of the Dorn Method thanks to its efficiency on many health conditions will surely be noticed more widely soon and hopefully trigger the wish to do more clinical studies.

In an earlier post in, Dorn Method Forum, (, I wrote already about one of these clinical research projects that I re-post below followed by some articles in Medical journals to demonstrate the increased interest and acceptance of the Dorn Method.

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